The Average Gamer

Sponsored Post: PlayStation Plus March Update

The March PlayStation Plus games have arrived! For your £39.99 a year, PlayStation Plus gets you a bunch of free games each month. This month’s games for the PlayStation 3 are Tomb Raider and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, both of which I reviewed last year.

Tomb Raider is a long way from the puzzle-based tomb-raiding games of yore but is still very enjoyable. You’ll spend more time shooting dudes than really exploring, though the stories in the collectibles do make it worth hunting down these optional items.

Brothers - TrollBrothers: A Tale of Two Sons is simply exceptional in its story-telling. Its unique aspect is the control system – as a single-player game, you control each brother with the left and right halves of the controller. The boys must work together on an epic journey to help their family and this is one of the few games that can get really emotional.

March’s free PlayStation 4 game is Dead Nation: Apocalypse, from the same studio that created Super Stardust and Resogun. It’s actually a remake of the original Dead Nation which came out on PS3 back in 2011 but hey, that was a good game. This top-down twin-stick zombie shooter is free with your PS+ subscription. Give it a go.

On the PS Vita, you can get PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD. I’ve not played this so go check out the trailer instead. You could also get Smart As…, a collection of brain teasers, augmented really puzzles and memory puzzles.

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