Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be out in a fortnight and Konami’s marketing team have commissioned giant murals for Liverpool, Leeds and London.
The Liverpool graffiti artwork has just been completed, on Ropewalks Square and Twitter users have been taking photos as it progresses. Here are two of the best pics of the giant Raiden image, from @LeeCarus and @KarlJones100.

The amazing mural was created by End of the Line, a London-based creative collective specialising in large-scale outdoor murals. You’ve likely seen their work before – they were responsible for the Soul Calibur V wall in Shoreditch. See more pics of the Revengeance mural on the Konami’s Revengeance Pinterest board.
If you’re near Liverpool, you’ll find it at the Ropewalks Square junction with Wood St. The team are off to Leeds now, where they’ll be painting on Aire St and then London, for a mural on Sclater Street in Shoreditch.
Let us know if you spot the other murals. I might pootle down to Shoreditch myself to check it out. Follow @EndOfTheLineLDN on Twitter to find out when they start the new paintings.
Metal Gear Solid: Revengeance will be released for Xbox 360 and PS3 on 22nd February.
Twitter user Mark Bennett has spotted the Leeds Mural in the wild.

Edit 19th Feb: End of the Line posted this image of the finished and spectacularly-lit Leeds mural on their Facebook. Also check out their website for more details on the Revengeance mural project.

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