The Average Gamer

The Walking Dead Episode 1: Top Tips for Survival

Although Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead is a slight variation of the old point and click mechanism, you still needs your wits about you. There’s no need to worry about tips for the achievements. They cannot be missed so anyone who sees this episode through to the end will receive the full set.

Tip 1. Pay Attention!

Yes, that means you. There are some areas with a lot of dialogue to absorb, particularly with multiple characters. So, if, like me, it appears to drag on a bit, you may end up with one eye on the screen and one eye on your ipad/iphone/laptop.

This is life, you say? Well, there is a time limit for conversation responses, some quicker than others. If you are playing Lee in a particular manner that’s pertinent to you, no response might ruin your intentions. Also, such as the very first conversation in the game, the game will not progress unless Lee is looking a particular direction beforehand. So pay attention!

Tip 2. Quick reactions

Whether you are tackling the game with the cursors on or off, it’s fair to say that when a zombie is on top of you (sometimes almost literally), reactions need to be pretty quick to avoid death, reload save, etc.

You’ll know when you’re in danger as the screen flashes red around the edges, and, much like if you really were being attacked by a zombie, you don’t get much time to make your move. The tip here is to try and keep your cursor on your enemy, ready for every instance required to fight back. Some of these include bashing the A button until two markers meet, simple, but be ready at the end as the required trigger button is always different.

3. Dem Characters

Right from the very get-go, conversing with the various characters throughout the game is not only required to progress, but it also turns out Episode 1 has interesting characters, arguably more so than the current crop of the TV show. Anyway, the tip here is that although there is no wrong or right way to act during the game, some moments are defining for people’s perception of Lee. But remember: you can’t please everybody.

Hope you all enjoy the game, I certainly did. Roll on episode 2.

Check out Kev’s review of The Walking Dead Episode 1.