The Average Gamer

Perfect Dark Zero Multiplayer – First Impressions

Perfect Dark Zero woman with revolver It’s really fun!

Okay, so I sucked for all the following reasons:

  • Never played a console FPS before so my control was really freaky
  • Never played Perfect Dark Zero so my control was really freaky
  • Turned the voice volume off due to idiots on Project Gotham Racing 3, so didn’t have a clue what my teammates were planning
  • Had no idea how to claim territory. Something to do with downloading and maybe needing more than one player? I shall read the manual before trying again.

But I still had fun :) And we didn’t lose so it’s all okay! Still getting the hang of the dead-zone in the analog stick so fine control and aim is a way off, but should come with time. Oh and sorry to the guy on my team that I accidentally head-shot. That’s what you get for popping your fat head up in front of the other dude’s when I’m pulling a trigger two kilometres away. Hmm… maybe I’ll shout “Fore!” from now on.

Hovercraft + flying shooting exoskeletons = brilliant!

Walking and running speed = rubbish.

Guy who did the voiceover for “Territory Lost” sound file = idiot who should not get voice-over work again. Ever.

And to Boobie16, whoever you may be… thanks for just picking that name. You have no idea how much fun it was just sitting in a living room with the perfect excuse for three people to shout “Go Boobies!”