The Average Gamer

The Escapist on non-mainstream gaming

Some nice articles in this week’s Escapist. Check out John Szczepaniak’s article on the underground collectors market, Obscurity Below the Radar. Bonnie Ruberg’s Games of a Fairer Sex has also drawn my attention to some rather disturbing sexism where apparently games for girls aren’t worth the effort it would take to develop gameplay beyond the level of ‘Which handbag shall I wear today?” and a mere hour or two of playing time :( Of course girls aren’t going to grow up wanting to play games if all you give them is rubbish. I may start reviewing games for young girls and see if they’re worth buying.

Then again, universally appealing Nintendogs isn’t exactly the most intellectually challenging game in the world. Neither is Doom 3 for that matter and the fun there after the first hour or two is debatable…

Their ads this week are also for the Child’s Play charity, rather than the usual Carlsberg and Second Life ads. Yay! :)