The Average Gamer

MMO Stories

We’ve been running a competition to give away a bunch of beta keys for the upcoming MMO, Rift: Planes of Telara over the past few days. I love the anecdotes that you guys are telling about your MMO experiences. Here are excerpts from three of my favourite stories submitted. Click the links to see the full tales:

Pants tell a tale of revenge in Face of Mankind:

A friend and I found the commander standing in a quiet corner of the Manhattan section of New York talking to a pair of corporation faction employees. Because he’d been such a pain in the neck to us, we decided it was a pristine opportunity to be a pain in the neck to him and kill him (and his scheming friends). We ran in and with the element of surprise on our side, killed all three without taking any losses. Naturally the commander barked out for help the instant he was attacked on his vent (or at least we presumed he did) and so patrols of FDC troopers started coming from other parts of the city to us; our fellow faction members on vent informed us of this and we took off all our armor and all pieces of clothing that identified us as Brotherhood. put on civilian clothing (and armor to be safe) and stood next to the nearby mining terminals and pretended we were busy producing (legal) stuff.
by Pants

Chtuga was blinded at a critical moment in Meridian 59 PvP:

My first really exiting team pvp happened just in this game. 2 really buffed up players went ahead against me and 2 friends. It was a really hard fight, with blinds, debuffs, fireballs and lots of heals beeing thrown everywhere! Felt like it lasted forever! I never forget the completely helpless feeling I got then the screen went completely black due to a blind, and I had no clue if we were winning or loosing. Luckily we did! And that fight has stayed with me forever! :)
by Chtuga

And the encounter that everyone dreads – Julie pulled off a Leeroy for her Aion group.

Playing with people I knew was great. But my best memory was when me, my brother, and two of his friends went on this one quest. For the life of me I can’t remember the name of even the details of it but I do remember the best part. See, I was a rogue and there was this map we had to get. The map was in a cave surrounded by all the guys…the very, very high level guys that we all knew would freaking own us if we tried to rush it. So being the rogue, I thought I would be sneaky and…well suck passed them.And for the most part it worked. I got the map and only had to fight one guy, instead of agroing all of them. However when I walked out…strutting in the open in my confidience…and kind of forgetting that a was a squishy rogue and didn’t sneak…hehe whoops. Anyway I ended up agroing all these guys and had to run for my life.

…Sadly I died, however I was able to stupidly lead them to my group who were nearby. haha…again, whoops.
by Julie

Take a look at all our readers’ MMO war stories in the original post comments. Got any of you own you’d like to share?