Search results for "housemarque"
Resogun Review (PS4)
Resogun is a full frontal assault on your senses. It’s a game that’s unashamedly tough, beautiful and...
Resogun's Harry Kruger: "One single frame drop can be devastating"
In the first part of my interview with Resogun”s lead programmer Harry Kruger talked about Housemarque”s inspiration...
Resogun’s Harry Kruger: “Explosions pretty much constantly”
I’ve been a huge fan of Finnish game developers Housemarque since the early 1990s when they first...
Gamescom 2013: Sony Media Briefing
Sony kicked off its gamescom press conference with Mr Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide studios using the...
Dead Nation Review (PSN)
Zombie killing always seems to come in and out of fashion, like flares and turtle necks. We've...
Super Stardust HD Review (PS3)
Age rating: 3+ (PEGI) What is it? An asteroids clone (high-def update of the Amiga classic Super...
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