Sean tells us that video games have conditioned him Pavlov-style into loving sailors, while Colin and Debbie discuss Ground Zeroes at great length (no spoilers). Nick keeps bringing up bodily hair for some reason.
As always, you can subscribe directly here, subscribe through iTunes here (and leave a review, please) and you can contact each of us on Twitter or leave a comment below.
Debbie (@weefz)
Sean (@seanlabode)
Colin (@colincgallacher)
Nick (@captskyrocket)
0:00:30: Batman: Arkham Knight.
0:13:33: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes/Metal Gear Solid 2.
0:24:28: Shenmue.
0:26:37: Back to Ground Zeroes.
0:32:35: Playboy.
0:34:05: Johnny from Metal Gear.
0:35:19: Toilets. Victorian Sewers. Outdoor toilets. So many toilets.
0:37:19: South Park: The Stick of Truth.
0:42:35: Ground Zeroes again.
0:49:35: OnLive’s CloudLift feature and Ouya.
0:53:50: From The Community! “What’s the most gruesomely shocking or hilarious thing you’ve ever seen in a game?” Includes Dead Rising 3, Heavy Rain, GTA: The Lost and the Damned,
1:05:45: True Detectives, strippers and peens.
1:11:01: Assassin’s Creed IV.
1:12:13: Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
Thanks to Firmsky, RobThez, pabosher, rhyfelsalt.
Show Notes:
These are more references than notes on the show, eh? We recorded this episode in Loading again, so I apologise for the sound distortion in some sections. Sharing a single microphone makes it tricky to balance everyone.
The Batman Arkham City trailer:
Here’s the shot of the weird body. Seriously, what happened to his legs?

I need very little excuse to post the Adam Jensen Safety Dance video:
More info on OnLive’s CloudLift relaunch.
The penis scene from The Lost and The Damned.
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