The Average Gamer

Daily News Roundup 10th April

Kinect Star Wars Tops the UK Charts

I hope you’re happy with yourselves. Those who thought it would be funny make Han Solo flail around like an arsehole so you bought the game out of irony have helped it storm the all-formats UK top 40.

A game that genuinely includes a rendition of Christina Aguilera’s Genie in a Bottle, with the lyric “The Wookie’s saying let’s go”, has become a chart-topper… bravo.

According to Eurogamer, 12 per cent of gamers who bought Kinect Star Wars bought the Star Wars Xbox 360 Bundle, with the special edition R2-D2 console and golden C-3PO controller for the bargain price of £350.

A further validation of George Lucas’ acts to destroy a beloved franchise. [Actually… it’s not bad for a Kinect game. Review coming soon – Ed]

Resident Evil 6 Release Date Brought Forward

A leaked trailer for Capcom’s Resident Evil 6 (via NeoGAF) has revealed a new release date.

The most disappointing news about Resi 6 came when developers said they will no longer stick to the series’ survival horror roots, but move towards the Call of Duty action trend to sell more copies. Read Kev’s response to that news explaining his thoughts on the Resident Evil series.

Originally slated for a November 20th release date, the trailer states the game will now arrive on October 2nd. We will find out how the new Resident Evil: Modern Warfare approach plays out sooner than expected.

Lost Planet 3 Outed

Lost Planet 3 has been unintentionally confirmed by a leaked trailer. NeoGAF users noticed the video to the CGI trailer, which shows an impressive mech v monster fight. It also reveals a 2013 release date and the game’s developers, Spark Unlimited.

Spark Unlimited were responsible for the quite terrible Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, so fingers crossed they can up their game for Lost Planet.

Max Payne 3 Shotguns

Like Max Payne? Like Shotguns? Then do we have the trailer for you! Below is a video showing off some of the weaponry you will be able to play with in the upcoming Max Payne 3. The trailer shows off the shotguns available in the game, have a look for yourself:

Max Payne 3 is set for release on May 15 on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.