The Average Gamer

Daily News – Microsoft Flight, Sonic Turns 20

Another daily news round-up! Any day now I will get these things published before midnight when someone is actually awake…

The Microsoft Flight team have released a brand new webisode showing off some of the obvious improvements in the quality of the terrain. Whilst we do get a quick glimpse of a virtual cockpit, the majority of the video is all about aviation eye-candy.

It’s Sonic’s 20th Anniversary! Londoners can celebrate it from 3pm on 23rd June 2011 at GAME, 100 Oxford Street, London. Celebrations are also happening from 12pm to 7 on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th [source]. There’s also the international Summer of Sonic Fan Convention on Saturday. Sadly, registrations sold out months ago.

Trailers were released for Kingdoms of Amalur and Overstrike and The Cursed Crusade, in which we learn that our hero has Daddy issues.

Digital Foundry has a great article on cloud gaming as delivered by OnLive and GaiKai

We have two working systems to mull over in the here and now: OnLive and Gaikai, both based on the principle of beaming your control inputs to a remote server that transmits back gameplay in the form of compressed video. The advantages are numerous

I like the idea, but as he addresses in the article, I’m concerned by the possibility of lag. The Average Gamer is down for a trial when the service launches in the UK later this year so we’ll see how well it works out.

GamePro’s Scott Nichols has a great article on why any outrage to male-on-male homosexuality in the Mass Effect universe is ridiculous:

Of course, there’s always the giant elcor in the room: there already are same-sex romance options in Mass Effect. At least if you played as a female Shepard. No, I’m not even talking about Liara. There are enough people who pretend that the whole “all Asari just happen to look female” excuse is a legitimate cop out. Which, by the way, it isn’t. No, I am talking about yeoman Kelly Chambers, who is more than happy to show off her bedroom skills for a female Shepard in Mass Effect 2.

Where was the outcry for narrative consistency then?

And not strictly games-news-related but what the hell. I’ve set up an account on VYou where I’ll answer your questions through magical medium of moving pictures. Pop on over and ask me my opinion on specific games or anything at all, really. Weefz on VYou.