The Average Gamer

A New Way of Working

We’re changing the way we review games.

You may have noticed that our reviews are a) not what you’d call timely and b) few and far between.

More often than not, I find that I want to discuss a particular aspect of a game, rather than the game itself. What normally happens is, I decide to save it for the review and then never get around to writing the review itself. Even worse, when I can’t find anything nice to say about a game, I simply don’t write anything. Instead of continuing this bad habit, we’re making a change.

The review category will still be there. Rather than writing full reviews in a single post, we’ll probably split a review up into a series of posts that explore the more interesting characteristics of each game, good or bad. This way, I don’t feel bad for absolutely slating the occasional free game that comes my way and you get more thoughtful content. Each post will be tagged with the game name, so you’ll have no trouble finding all our comments about a single title, should you want to.