The Average Gamer

GameCamp London!

Will you be in or around London on May 3rd? If so, sign up to GameCamp, an event organised by The Guardian to gather gamers and game developers together for an informal fun day of… well… anything goes.

It will be run along the lines of BarCamp – tickets are free and in return you agree to PARTICIPATE. No hanging around at the back absorbing information. You should come prepared to run your own 30 minute session on any topic you want or, at the very least, actively engage in other people’s sessions.

GameCamp is a one-day event for people interested in games, and for interesting people in gaming. That covers everything from computer and video gaming, ARGs, tabletop games, pervasive games, RPGs and more.

If none of that makes sense to you, then don’t worry – the objective is simple: to talk informally with like-minded people and get excited about stuff involving games and play…

…GameCamp is free to attend, and will be held between 11am and 5.30pm on Saturday May 3rd at 3Rooms in the Spitalfields area of London.

Tickets will be released on Monday, April 21st at EventWax. There is a strict limit of 120 attendees, so sign up early. Sony and Nintendo are supporting the event. I shall be there and as if that’s not enough of a draw ;) there will also be Rock Band!

More info on the Guardian’s Games Blog and the official GameCamp pages.