Untold Legends – The Warrior’s Code – PSP
- Updated: 19th Apr, 2006
What is it?
Hack n’ slash like Gauntlet
Is it fun?
Yes, if you like to hack and slash
Is it worth the money?
No, but it is worth £17.99 like Untold Legends – The Brotherhood of the Blade
You hack, you slash, you hack, you slash, you battle a bigger monster (sorry, a boss!), you hack, you slash…yep that’s about it.
That’s not to say this is a bad thing as Untold Legends is an accomplished hack and slash game. Exacting absolute carnage the second you walk into a room full of monsters and using the impressively varied special abilities (see 2nd screenshot below) is immensely satisfying. There are checkpoints littered around each level which save you re-treading the same path over and over again if you die and you can also save your progress at any point (very handy if you’re playing whilst travelling!).
Essentially the whole game involves going to a new location, exploring the entire map, killing everything that moves, destroying everything that doesn’t (barrels, chests…), beating any bosses that lurk around in the level, collecting all the cash/health potions and buying some more armour/weapons/health potions at the merchants (located between levels). Errm, yep, I think I just about covered everything. Did I mention that you kill things? Oh, yes.
This game does have online elements as well but I found that there weren’t may players online and nor were there many games to play (e.g. deathmatch, 1 on 1). Also a lot of these matches require high level characters (level 25+, some level 50) which stop you participating for a while (although you can create your own matches for low level characters).
The graphics are ok, sometimes very pretty, but since you have the camera zoomed out as far as possible so you can actually see what’s attacking, you do miss out on some of the more intricate graphical details. But the music, oh the music, well I just turned it off as it sounds like a baby with boxing gloves learning to play the piano. Awful, amazingly awful in fact (the sounds effects are ok, thankfully. At least these go some way to muffling the sounds of your rabid button bashing).
Overall I enjoyed playing this game. Yes, its very one dimensional but you could say the same about driving games only being about driving (Ridge Racer anyone?). A try before you buy, I think (or pick up the 1st game for almost half the price).
Firmware version: 2.60
UK release date: 2nd June 2006. US version out now (version reviewed)

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