The Average Gamer

Rabbids Big Bang Hands-on Preview

Rabbids Big Bang
The next Rabbids game for tablets has the maniacal little critters exploring outer space. In Rabbids Big Bang, the rabbids are busy batting each other around planets, moons and alien spaceships.

As it turns out, trying to control a rabbid in orbit is a bit bloody tricky. You’re set challenges like orbiting the moon twice or collecting 5 orbs. At the start of each level you set the initial trajectory of your rabbid by prodding the screen and he’s away, whizzing off into space.

You do have a jetpack with which to control things, or attempt to. The gravity of Earth and nearby objects will slow things down and pull you off course, so your main challenge is to fire the jetpack at the right time to slingshot around the Earth, or propel your rabbid into a stable orbit.

More often than not, you’ll spend a lot of time desperately hoping that his spin leaves him to facing the right direction you want at just the right time to put him on his proper path. This usually doesn’t happen but with the right upgrades to your bat and jetpack you can simply power there. This tactic will burn a lot of fuel though, which can be replenished mid-flight with in-game currency. It’s also not the most effective, as you’ll have the usual level rating out of three, based on how long you take to complete your objective.

Money is also spent on cosmetic changes – a bandanna, scuba mask and other amusing but pointless trinkets. There are 10 worlds, each with 15 missions, so you’ll have plenty to do when the game is released on iOS and Android later this year.