Free Speedball 2 – Tournament MP3 Soundtrack
- Updated: 13th Jan, 2008
Ahead the the games release in Feb 2008, The Bitmap Brothers and Frogster Interactive Pictures AG have released 7 of the music tracks from Speedball 2 – Tournament.
You can download these tracks from here (32.7Mb). It’s your typical mix of “hard hitting techo” that we’ve come to expect from the Speedball games. Not bad for a free download and worth a listen.
I hope this one’s better than the last Speedball game to see the light of day – Speedball 2100 – which was rubbish. Judging by the music, the flashy looking website and the screen shots it certainly looks promising.

Hopefully it plays as good as it looks, as I was a big fan of Speedball and Speedball 2 – Brutal Deluxe on the Amiga in the early 1990s. Brilliant games. Speedball 2 – Brutal Deluxe (XBLA) is available now on Xbox Live Arcade for 800 of those Microsoft Points.
Speedball 2 – Tournament is released on 8th Feb 2008 on PC.
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