LocoRoco Demo – PSP
- Updated: 26th Apr, 2006
The Japanese demo for the upcoming, and really quite mad LocoRoco game for the PSP is now available. In order to play the demo you have to upgrade your PSP’s firmware to the recently released 2.70 (so no homebrew for you!). It’s like someone watched Serenity and the Fruity Oaty Bar advert and decided to make a game just like it. I played this last night with a big smile on my face. It’s fun, very cute and completely mad (your character sings all the time!). Following our instructions below you can try out the demo for yourself.

How to play LocoRoco demo on your PSP:
- Upgrade your PSP’s firmware to version 2.70
- Download the demo here (7.8mb)
- Add a folder in the base directory of your memory stick entitled “PSP” (if not already present)
- Under the “PSP” folder, create a folder named “GAME” (again, if not already present)
- Under the “GAME” folder, create a folder named “UCJS10041”
- Copy the LocoRoco EBOOT file into the “UCJS10041” folder
Now your PSP should recognise the LocoRoco demo and you should see a logo as shown in the screenshot to the right. If not check the folder is named correctly “UCJS10041” and it’s in the correct location.
You can also use the automatic website language translator from WorldLingo to make sense of the very cute and funny LocoRoco Japanese website which can be found here.
Controls for the demo (just in case you can’t read Japanese):
Left shoulder button – Tilt screen left (and jump right when rolling right).
Right shoulder button – Tilt screen right (and jump left when rolling left).
Both shoulder buttons – Jump straight up.
Circle (double tap) – Split your character into lots of little bits.
Circle (hold down) – Reform into one big blob!
So to move left, you hold down the left shoulder button so your blob will roll down across the tilted landscape. To jump left whilst you are moving left you press the right shoulder button and vice versa.
You need to split into lots of little blobs at certain points in the level as well.
Update 27th May 06: If you go to the LocoRoco homepage here you can play bits of the LocoRoco game on your PC
Update 04th June 06: Get the US version of the LocoRoco demo here (NOTE: Requires firmware 2.71)
Update 27th June 06: LocoRoco out now in the UK. Check prices here.
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